18 year old charged murder


MINNEAPOLIS (FOX 9) – An 18-year-old gang Minneapolis gang member has been charged with sec-ond-degree murder after killing a rival gang mem-ber Friday night.
The Hennepin County Attorney’s Office charged Mahad Ali with the murder of 25-year-old Mustafa Ali, of Minneapolis.
The shooting occurred Friday night around 6:30 p.m. at 23rd and Aldrich avenues north in the Haw-thorne neighborhood. The victim was found there and was pronounced dead a few minutes later.
Mustafa Ali was shot three times in the chest and was a known high-ranking member of the Somali Out-laws gang. Police say Ma-had Ali is a member of the 1627 Boys, a rival gang.
According to the charges, “both gangs are known for retaliatory and escalating violence that often manifests itself in drive-by shootings, at-tempted murder and mur-der. They are known by law enforcement to attack each other over using the same drug dealers.”
After the incident, a ve-hicle arrived at Hennepin Healthcare, and Mahad Ali ran to the front door saying he had been shot. He un-derwent surgery for a bul-let wound.
According to witness interviews and surveillance video, one of the 1627 boys picked up a drug dealer and drove him to 23rd and Aldrich avenues so the dealer could sell to Mahad Ali, who got into the car, too.
Less than a minute later, Mustafa Ali walked up to the backseat door of the car and the two men fired at each other. Mahad Ali’s mother told police her son and the victim had “a beef” for months, even visiting Mustafa Ali’s mother pre-viously to try and recon-cile. ■